Sunday, February 28, 2010

COCO Chanel

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."

This weekend I watched the movie "COCO avant Chanel." It is the story of Gabrielle (aka Coco - a nickname given to her by her father) and her life before she became one the most legendary style and fashion icons...well, ever. Her humble beginnings started in France. She was an orphan and worked as a seamstress/ singer to make money. She had always dreamed of going to Paris one day and making it big. She met a rich and well connected man, who eventually grew to love and admire her for her elegance and daring look. At a time where women wore feathers and large, extravagant hats to display their status, Coco always opted for a more simplistic and tailored look. She would cut up men's clothing and add pieces to a dress for a feminine touch. She constructed simple straw hats, which eluded to mystery rather than exuberance. Her daring sense of style portrayed such elegance, and rather than "letting it all hang out" she covered it up, leaving a lot more to the imagination for men. Her rebellion against mainstream "women's wear" is admirable to say the least. I would definitely recommend this movie, if not for Coco's incredible story, then for inspiration.

"A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous." - Coco Chanel.


  1. Her designs are truly classic - she was ahead of her time and will forever be remembered in fashion history.

  2. Coco...just her name conjures images of sophistication, design with destinction!! What an amazing woman a leader for all.
