Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Beautiful Work In Progress

I am going to switch directions a little bit and talk about design. Not design like the clothes you and I wear, but design like art and architecture. Design encompasses so many things, but this post is about architecture in particular. On my recent trip to Europe this past summer, one of my favourite stops was Barcelona. Have you ever seen Antoni Gaudi's work in real life? If you haven't, let me tell you - you are missing out. His infamous Sagrada Familia church is one of the most incredible churches I have ever seen. Construction started in 1882 and it has taken over 100 years to construct (it still isn't done!), and Gaudi tragically died in 1926 before he could finish it. His work is some of the most unique, and you can see the contrast in design when you walk from one side of the temple to the other. A photo doesn't even do it justice, but tell me what you think. AND, if you ever go to Barcelona...you HAVE to see the Sagrada Familia.


  1. He also has a garden of his works...I would love to see pictures of that!

  2. I love the idea of including architectural design into your blog. There are so many amazing works of art out there that have been constructed based on a variety of things. Although there are many old buildings that fall under the category of fantastic architecture, even some of the new stuff that is being created is amazing!

    Here is an interesting link to check out: http://bit.ly/10kimv

  3. Putting religion aside, churches are among some of the best architecture in the world, especially in Europe. In Ukraine we visited a church that was built using not even one nail, it was pretty amazing!

  4. Barcelona - what an amazing city!! It's nice to see that you have incorporated more than clothing on to your blog as architecture is an extension of who we are - and it's obvious that Gaudi was magnificient. Architecture, like fashion, is an individuals expression and great works, be it Gaudi, Coco or Andria.. need to be expressed!
